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One of my favorite things about summer on the East Coast of the US is that the sun stays out until almost 9:00 PM. Yes, I love that long light. I love the nighttime darkness that just doesn’t seem to want to come. Even though it makes it tough to put the little ones to bed because it’s “still daytime,” I enjoy it.
While there are many things about fall that stir my heart to happiness, I don’t look forward to the sun getting low before 7:00 PM. As the nights get longer and longer, darkness fills the streets and our homes for what seems to be an infinite number of hours each day, pushing the sun away harder and harder as we slide into the winter months.
Yes, I’m being a bit dramatic. But honestly, darkness just isn’t my thing— not the literal darkness that comes with the absence of daytime light, and not the sinful darkness that comes with the absence of the Light.
You get my drift, sister?
This darkness sweeps in and tends to stay for a visit much longer the more we forsake our quiet time with God. Spending time with the Lord each day in prayer and through studying the Bible is key. It’s what keeps our hearts in the right place, humbly bowed before Him and having a proper perspective of ourselves and the world.
Even in the darkness of night, you can still dwell in the Light.
Maybe for you, the night is your time to shine. You’re perky, peppy, and love burning the midnight oil. If so, then creating a God-honoring nighttime routine will help you grow in your faith and remain close to the Lord.
If a Morning Routine or an Afternoon Routine isn’t for you, let’s talk about the way the Lord can work in the hearts of you night owls.
How to Prepare for your Quiet Time with God
Before jumping into a new routine, especially one as crucial as your quiet time with God, it’s best to seek the Lord to determine all He has for you. Walking into anything in your own strength leads to doubts, struggles, and low commitment levels. Trust me, I’ve been there– I know!
There are a few things we can do to help us prepare for our quiet time with God:
#1: PRAY and ask the Lord to help you be consistent in your schedule.
Is the evening really the time of day the Lord wants you to have your quiet time? If so, ask Him to help you block off your schedule and commit. A wishy-washy commitment to Him equals a wishy-washy faith.
Since the evening is the last portion of the day, it truly is now or never. If you’ve gone all day without cracking open your Bible and spending time in the Word, the evening is your last shot. Pray and ask God for a specific and exact time in your schedule each day for your quiet time.
#3: PICK A SPECIAL SPOT in your house to study the Word.
As I shared in my Morning Routine and Afternoon Routine articles, whether it’s a favorite chair or a quiet room, selecting a place where you have your quiet time with God each day helps you stay consistent. After a while, this place will mentally become synonymous with your quiet time.
Does that sound silly? Well, think of your workplace or your laundry room. As soon as you step into that building or room, you know exactly what you’re supposed to do there because that’s the main thing you always do in that particular place. It’s the same way with your “quiet time place.” Soon, you won’t be able to walk by that couch, coffee shop, or desk without the gentle reminder that it’s time for quiet time.
What Studying the Bible Does for Us
Studying the Bible is more than just an item we check off of our to-do list. It’s an important, crucial, and necessary spiritual discipline every believer should have. No matter the season of life we’re in, we can never—let me repeat, sister— never be too busy to read God’s Word.
I shared the importance of reading God’s Word in my Morning Routine and Afternoon Routine articles. If you missed that, take a look at those articles:
READ: A Morning Routine that Honors the Lord
READ: An Afternoon Routine that Honors the Lord
But now, let’s take a moment to focus on a few things that studying the Bible does for us, through the lens of Proverbs 6.
“My son, comply with the commandment of your father,
And do not ignore the teaching of your mother;
Bind them continually on your heart;
Tie them around your neck.
When you walk, they will guide you;
When you sleep, they will watch over you;
And when you awake, they will talk to you.
For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light;
And rebukes for discipline are the way of life.”
Firstly, there is an urgency and persistence we see being given. We are to be sure to not only comply, or keep, the commands, but to also be mindful that we are not blatantly ignoring the Word. We should hear the Word, and keep it.
And not just keep it, but to continually bind it on our hearts. Continually.
The only way something gets imprinted on our hearts is for us to be exposed to it over and over. There is a repetitive process that must happen so that the Word becomes ingrained and interwoven into the fabric of our lives.
This is what studying the Bible does for us. And when we do so, God’s Word permeates our being, bringing us more clarity, perspective, and direction than we could ever muster up for ourselves.
God’s Word guides us as we walk through the trials, decisions, contemplations, and joys of life. We’re able to discern God’s promises from the world’s ways when we have an accurate view and knowledge of who He is.
The Word of God keeps us as we sleep, providing the peace that only Jesus can give us. There is less room for fear, doubt, and anxiety when the Word is bound in our hearts.
When we’re awake, God’s Word speaks to us from the depths of our souls, making plain His Will versus the world’s devices and deception. The Holy Spirit will bring specific verses to mind in our time of need. He will remind us of God’s promises, faithfulness, and wisdom in the little and big things of life.
God’s Word is always ready to light our path, showing us the way to go.
Yet, when we forsake studying the Bible regularly, we allow this light to go dim. We quench the Holy Spirit more easily. We have less peace and more doubt. We lead ourselves. All of these things happen because, even if it’s just for a moment, we’ve forgotten who He is.
10 Steps to a Quiet Time with God in the Evening
In our quiet time with God, as we pray and study, we will be drawn closer to Him. This is something to take seriously, and I exhort you, sister, to find a time of day—daily— that works for you!
If it’s the evening, here are some tips to help you get started.
#1: Put your scheduled time in your calendar every night.
Set up a calendar reminder or alarm, if needed. If you know you have an event happening during your normal quiet time, plan in advance to have your quiet time earlier in the day.
#2: commit to keeping your scheduled time, no matter how tired you are.
Know you are going to have busy, eventful days that tire you out. But, God doesn’t deserve your leftovers. Give Him the time, energy, and commitment of which He is worthy! Reserve some energy for your Lord.
#3: Realize this isn’t legalism.
Although your quiet time with God is undeniably the most important piece of your day, give yourself a little grace. If you miss it or have to cut the time short, remember that the Lord isn’t angry with you. Just purpose to do better in your planning tomorrow.
#4: Wait until the kiddos are off to bed and the house is quieter.
I don’t know about yours, but my kids don’t exactly put the “quiet” in quiet time! If you want to be able to study the Bible with little distraction, pick a time where you can truly relax in the quietness of your home.
RELATED: 22 Ways to Make Time for God as Busy Mom
#5: Know your limit.
Even though you’re likely a night owl, at some point, dear sister, I know tiredness kicks in and you’ve had enough for the day. If you tend to crash quickly once exhaustion sets in, purpose to not make your quiet time the very last thing you do before bedtime. The last thing you want is to fall asleep in your Bible every night before you’ve really gotten to soak up the Word.
#6: Communicate with your spouse.
If you’re married, and this is a time you regularly spend catching up with your spouse, be sure to talk to him before making a change to your “married couple” time. Find something that works for both of you.
#7: Prepare your study tools earlier in the day.
The better prepared you are beforehand, the more likely you will complete the task at hand (this goes for anything!). If you have to scurry around at night looking for your things when you’re already getting tired, the less time you’ll spend before the Lord. Grab your Bible, pens, journal, or whatever you need early in the day, and place them in your designated quiet time spot so you’re ready to go.
Looking for a place to start in your Bible study time? Dive deeper into the Word and focus on God’s tremendous love for you in this 16-page Bible Study of the Psalms. Fill out the form below.
#8: Turn off the screens!
Unless you’re using a Bible app on your phone for study references, try to keep your phone, computer, and TV out of sight! It can be tempting to wind down at night via screen time, but leave the social media scrolling and TV show-binging until after your quiet time with God is concluded.
RELATED: 5 Surprising Ways Moms Waste Time
#9: Pray before you start.
No matter what time of day, pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you more of Himself in your time together. Ask for minimal distractions, and a heart to stay as focused as possible on Him and His Word.
#10: Let go of the day.
There are probably tasks you felt you needed to do earlier in the day that you didn’t get to. Let them all go. Don’t allow the never-ending items on your to-do list to cloud your time with the Lord. There will always be something to do, work on, or complete. Follow the Lord’s leading and keep the most important thing, the most important thing.
“But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law he meditates day and night.”
Sleep Tight, Sister
We can keep the Lord the main focus of our lives, no matter what time of day we set aside to commune with Him. He never sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121:3), and He is always ready to welcome you into His presence. No matter how weary you are, how your day went, or how bright-eyed and energetic you may be at 10:00 PM, He wants to hear from you. Bask in the Lord and His goodness. Allow His Word to strengthen you, gently lead you, and give you the peace you need for a restful sleep. When you rest in the safety of His care and under the shadow of His wings, you will surely sleep tight.
+Free Bible Study Printables+ Making time for God as a busy mom isn’t always the easiest thing to do. But, studying God’s Word is one of the most important things we can do to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. Learn the key to spending more time with God, as well as 22 TIPS to help you consistently get in the Word each day.