Did you ever grab your phone and hop online for a bit, maybe just to make a quick post or respond to a notification you received? Did you start this process at 7:00 pm and spend “5 minutes” on social media, only to realize that 5 minutes later was actually 7:30 pm?
Time is a mysterious thing, isn’t it? It “goes quickly” when we don’t want it to, yet “goes slowly” when we’re impatient.
Why, oh why does time change tempos according to our circumstances?
Of course, I’m being a bit facetious. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. Time doesn’t actually change speeds, we just feel like it does in our minds. Based on the way we view our current situation, we believe we don’t have enough time, that time has gone by too quickly, or time is dragging.
It’s in our minds. In our choices.
You see, sister, we can waste time by the choices we make. Just like my example with social media above, we can easily let our minds get sucked into the moment and before we know it, the time flew by, as they say.
I’m sure you agree with me that wasting time isn’t good– especially in our role as mothers. Our motherhood needs to be attentive, effective, and productive– all to the extent that the Lord leads.
But, if we want to learn how to be productive and how to stop wasting time, we’ve got to pay attention to the decisions we’re making and the actions we’re taking. Are we letting our mind lead us, or are we allowing the Lord to lead us?
The speed of time won’t change– but we can.
How to Stop Wasting Time
Before we talk about how to be more productive as a mom, we need to look at what could be wasting our time. There are many things we choose to do that can get in the way of us making time for God, our spouse, and our children.
If you’re constantly feeling “spent” and like a weary mama, yes– it could just be the season you’re in; however, I also think it’s wise to look at what fills your day and consider whether or not you’re redeeming your time well.
5 things to stop doing today
If you’re wondering how to stop wasting time, here are a few tips:
#1: Stop giving yourself unlimited screen time.
One of the worst things parents can do is give their children screen time unleashed, right? Well, it’s the same for us, mom! Just as you do with your kiddos, you can schedule your own screen time and set a time limit.
Find a time of day that you set aside for social media, checking emails, and watching tv. As you do with any calendar appointment, do what you need to do on screens in that timeframe, and when time is up, time is up!
Maybe this is over lunchtime, naptime, or after the kids are in bed. Whatever the time, make it a habit to not look for the remote every moment you get bored or grab your phone at each notification ding. (Bonus Tip: Unless it hinders your job, business, or ministry, turn off your notification sounds for these apps so you aren’t tempted throughout the day!).
#2: Stop wasting downtime.
Yes, moms– we do have downtime! Seriously, we do. In these precious moments of downtime, you can find time to connect with the Lord through His Word. (Hopefully, this is bonus time if you’re aptly getting in good quiet time each day! If not, find 22 ways to make time for God, here.)
Download a Bible app onto your phone, like Blue Letter Bible, Bible Gateway, or YouVersion. While you’re third in line at the bank drive-thru, waiting at the grocery checkout, or watching something heat up in the microwave, open your app and read a verse or two.
If you’re struggling with a slight addiction to social media, move all of your social apps to a folder on your home screen, and put your Bible apps front and center so they’re more easily accessible. When you feel the itch to check your social feeds, practice opening your Bible app instead!
#3: Stop engaging in wasteful things.
Examine your life and find the timewasters. Maybe this is social media, TV time, hobbies, or unproductive relationships. Perhaps you simply need to limit the time spent in these areas, or they need cut out altogether. If there are things that are too distracting or pulling you from the Lord and your family– either mentally or physically– they may be wasteful.
#4: Stop saying ‘yes’ all the time.
If certain things aren’t in God’s will for your life, say no. Sister, we must learn to entrust our plans to the Lord.
Proverbs 28:26 tells us that when we trust in our own hearts we’re behaving foolishly; yet, there is safety in walking wisely.
I’ve heard it said many times that the safest place to be is in the will of God. I don’t believe this is just for the big decisions in life, like whether or not you should uproot your family and become missionaries in a foreign country. No– this is in the small things too— the everyday decisions that you think the Lord doesn’t care about, but He does.
He wants you to be in the center of His will 24 hours a day.
So, even if opportunities present themselves that look and sound good, that doesn’t always mean you should say yes.
The best of things can waste your time if they aren’t what the Lord has for you.
#5: Stop turning off your ‘productivity switch’ when your kids are occupied.
Limit your children’s screen entertainment time. This may seem like an odd suggestion; however, I’ve noticed that when my kids are allowed to veg out in front of the TV or on their tablets for an extended time, that is when I find myself becoming lazy. I start scrolling. I begin doing busy work that doesn’t matter.
When your children are available and ready to actively engage with you, you don’t have the luxury of getting sucked in by a time-waster.
Free Download:
These handy sheets walk you through the process of taking inventory of your daily activities to discover what is wasting your time.
Investigate your time wasters, then use the Prayer worksheet to prayerfully consider the Lord’s will in these areas of your life. Track how the Lord answers your prayers!
A warning about being Idle
I believe that learning how to stop wasting time is different than learning how to be more productive.
Removing time wasters isn’t enough. Learning how to stop wasting time means that we have to choose to eliminate distractions and things that cause us to go astray during our day.
But, once we do that, we have a bunch of empty holes. And, when there are too many empty slots in our schedule, we can become bored.
Yes, even as a stay-at-home mom, we can become bored. Even as a working mom. A homeschool mom. A ministry mom.
In all of these seasons of motherhood, there is always room in the emptiness or our “lack of interest” in the things of life that can lead us towards an enemy: idleness.
What does the Bible say about idleness?
The Bible mentions that the Proverbs 31 woman was diligent to watch over the affairs of her house. In doing so, she didn’t make time for idleness (Proverbs 31:27).
I’ve found that idleness leads to a lack of interest in the important aspects of life, especially spiritual things.
We begin to look for entertainment in a variety of ways, new endeavors, or friendships to give us something “interesting” to look forward to in our days.
Idleness takes our eyes off Jesus and puts them onto the things of the world.
Although Paul is addressing this issue in relation to young widows in 1 Timothy 5:13, what he says about being idle doesn’t only happen to widows. I believe it’s a warning to any of us who choose to have too much time on our hands:
“At the same time they also learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also they become gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention.”
What I’m about to say isn’t a slam on those who spend ample time on social media (I too have various social accounts!), but I’ve often thought— as I’ve read different posts or comments— that some people simply have too much time on their hands.
If we have time to engage in every bit of drama happening in our extended family, with our friends, and in the world, then my dear sister— dare I say, we are trapped in idleness.
We are striving to create something “exciting” in our lives.
As Paul says, this opens the door for us to become busybodies, gossips, and talk about things we ought not to. Does that sound like what you see sometimes on social media?
In short, idleness leads to other sins in our lives, and should be avoided at all costs.
How to be more productive every day
I know it seems as though I’m picking on social media a lot! I promise you, I’m not a certified hater of it. I am, however, not a fan of engaging in any form of entertainment that lets you lose track of time for hours on end because your mind is so occupied that nothing else can get past the wall.
So, whether it’s Facebook, movies, binge-worthy TV, the latest gossip magazines, and the list goes on– we need to be careful and let the Lord guard our hearts and minds against things that heavily distract us.
“Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. ”
5 ways to boost your productivity
In order to be more productive every day, there are a few things you can do:
#1: Ask the Lord for guidance.
What does He want to use to fill in the holes? The worst thing you can do is start making your own plans and fill in your schedule with things you think are important. Instead, seek the Lord and ask Him what He intends for your life in this season. Allow Him to be your Master Planner.
#2: Get up early.
There are many benefits to rising early before your household, especially when you have little ones. Proverbs 31:15 tells us that the infamous Proverbs 31 woman did this so she could begin to prepare for the day.
Maybe you’re not an early riser, and that’s ok. Perhaps waking up a mere 20 minutes before your children will help you jumpstart your day and mentally prepare in a way that doesn’t allow when your children are your alarm clock.
Getting up early also gives you space to have quiet time with the Lord so you can begin your day wrapped in prayer and spending time in the Word.
#3: Prepare for the day ahead.
It’s easier to be more productive if we plan for tomorrow. Be ready for the meals you’ll cook. Look at the appointments on the calendar. Prepare school lunches, pick out your outfit, double-check the diaper bag– whatever tasks that seem mundane and only “take a few minutes”-- these are great things to get out of the way the night before.
Starting the day one step ahead always puts an extra pep in your step.
#4: Prayerfully create a schedule for yourself.
Following the Lord’s lead in what He has for your life today and in this season, create a schedule that works within those parameters. Whether it’s a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, consider what needs to be done, and put a plan into action.
If you’re working on eliminating time wasters in your day, creating a daily schedule is a great way to be sure you’re focusing on fruitful things.
#5: Get organized.
If you’re already an organized person, you probably have this step down! If you’re typically not organized, finding the simplest area of your life to organize will help you in your desire to be more productive every day.
Perhaps laundry falls to the wayside. Create a simple weekly chart outlining the specific days you’ll do each person’s laundry in your household.
Or, maybe you’d like to concentrate on teaching your children some new life skills. Create a chore chart to help everyone stay on track.
Don’t overcomplicate organization. Start small, and move forward from there.
Being a “busy mom” is a thing, but…
Sister, learning how to stop wasting time is one of the most important things you can do.
Lean into the Lord and ask Him to help you avoid the areas of your life that aren’t pleasing to Him. Prayerfully consider what you need to do to be more productive every day.
Being productive isn’t about becoming busy for the sake of being busy. Every single block on your calendar doesn’t need to be filled in.
I was just explaining this concept to my older kids, as they tend to jump from one activity to the next, with no rest time in between.
Having a constant flow of input into your mind and stimulation to your body isn’t good either. We need time to mentally break and hear from the Lord in the quietness of our souls.
A packed calendar doesn’t allow for this. So beware, there is danger in having too much in our lives.
This is where you need to consider what the Lord has for you in your season– not just your overall season of life, but your minute-by-minute season as well.
…it’s better to be fully surrendered
I know being a “busy mom” is a thing, and so often that’s our reality. But, let’s not wear our busyness as a badge.
Let’s purpose to be fully surrendered to His plans, whether to be productive; or to be still, so we can be totally and completely in His will for our lives.