purposeful posts
Find the latest encouragement, hope, and truth as we tackle some of the greatest topics Christian women face today.
Life events, trauma, and stress produce real emotions that we have. Anything we face that causes us to cope with an unwanted reality can cause distress. So what can we do about it?
Waiting is seldom easy. In fact, it can be downright difficult. But, it’s always possible. I know it doesn’t feel that way at the moment, but let’s take our feelings…
I’m a sucker for Latin. I haven’t studied it a lot and I know it’s a dead language and all, but there is something about the sound of Latin words and phrases that sound so beautiful to me…
Studying the Bible is not something to forsake. I mean, we’re talking about God’s Word!
+Free Bible Study Printables+ Making time for God as a busy mom isn’t always the easiest thing to do. But, studying God’s Word is one of the most important things we can do to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. Learn the key to spending more time with God, as well as 22 TIPS to help you consistently get in the Word each day.
We have two choices— we can be controlled by our to-do list and stay-at-home mom schedule, or we can choose to yield to the Holy Spirit’s promptings as we…
What is meekness? And why is it that blessed are the meek? Meekness is a lot of things, but one thing it’s not is…
No matter how we feel about change one thing is for certain– change is inevitable. We can do our best to avoid it, but nothing ever stays the same. So what do we do when God calls us to something new?
What does it mean to humble yourself? It starts by adopting the same attitude– heart attitude– that Jesus had. Are we willing to choose…
The Bible has a lot to say about lying. As a Christian, it’s important we heed its advice. From honesty stems integrity, and from there, our character. Read on to learn why this recipe is important, and practical tips to help displace dishonesty in our lives.
Dear Mama,
I know you are tired. There are many noses to wipe, floors to clean, and meals to be had. I know, at the end of the day, you go to bed exhausted. And, perhaps even before the sun, you rise exhausted. But, Jesus has a few instructions for us weary moms.
Kindness is goodness towards others that involves your whole being and mellows any harshness within you. So, it’s not just being kind to someone…
Showing compassion to others isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It will look different for each of us in every situation we encounter. Read Part 1 of The Godly Woman Wardrobe: Tender Mercies.
Good works are a means by which we show the world that we are His. It is how we carry out the love of God in the world. Through our good works, we give others snippets of His grace, character, and righteousness. Read on for 7 other truths about good works.
Showing hospitality isn’t as complicated as we may think. Whether inside or outside your home, it’s important that we get our attitude right first. From there, following the Lord’s guidance, hospitality can be as easy as 1-2-3.
Mary was humble, submitted, and trusted the Lord at His word. She had incredible faith. But, this isn’t about Mary. Mary’s Magnificat is of course about the Lord. And, there is much that we can learn about glorifying God in these few verses.
Who is on the throne in your household— you or the Lord? Oftentimes, as mothers, we make our own grand designs in our heads. We have all the plans. We’ve thought through all of the contingencies. We have all…
No one was meant to live alone on an island. We all need a community– not just a group of people to belong to, but the sense that we belong. In a community…