When was the last time you read a good book? I mean, a really, really good book–whether a novel or a non-fiction piece that left you wanting to read it again. Can you think of the title? I bet you can.
There are a handful of books that I have read and reread multiple times over the years. I don’t read a lot of novels; I typically read more instructional things that I can learn from– so these books have helped me grow in various areas of life.
With a good book, the content hits you the first time you read it, but there’s always so much you pick up from a book the second, third, or 15th time you revisit it!
This is because you are (or should be) constantly growing– growing in your motherhood, your faith, your people skills, leadership skills, or whatever the topic may be. Therefore, each time you read, you’re ready for a few more pieces of information that you may not have understood fully the last time you received the information.
The books I’ve read and reread the most are the ones with the content I remember the most. The thing is, however, that repetition doesn’t just help me remember what I’ve read— even many years later— but it also enables me to apply the lessons to my life— even many years later.
So what are we talking about, sister? I’m sure you’re tracking by now. It’s not about the novels or nonfictions we’re reading– what I’m getting at is our love for reading the Word of God and its power and ability to change our lives.
I would assume that since you’re reading my blog, you are a reader (maybe you don’t love to read, but you likely don’t hate it!). If you’re a fellow bookworm, then let me be the first to invite you to pull up a seat next to me and read, reread, and then reread the greatest Book ever written.
Studying the Bible
The thing with the Word of God is that it never gets old, right? Sometimes, with fiction or non-fiction books, once we’ve read them so many times, we know the character plots and twists so well that it gets less and less exciting with each subsequent read.
I don’t think studying the Bible is like that. Yes, we can know our Bible accounts and “characters” inside and out, but that isn’t necessarily the point; the Bible isn’t just a big book of facts to memorize or characters to relate to. It’s the actual God-breathed Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It’s living and active (Hebrews 4:12), not some dead text. The wealth of information, knowledge, and life we draw from it never runs dry.
Studying the Bible is imperative for us. There are always blessings and benefits to reading it today— and risks for putting it off until tomorrow. In a world of lies, counterfeits, and frauds, we need to know what the authentic, absolute truth is, and the only place to find it is in God’s Word.
Failing to study the Bible leaves us susceptible to falling for the world’s ways, simply because we may not know any better. That’s because when we’re ignorant of the Truth, any morally-sounding idea seems believable and worthy to follow.
Let this not be so with us, sister. Let us be women who know the Word; who seek the Lord. I pray we are women who know the Truth so well that even the shiniest of counterfeits don’t fool us.
Let us not miss out on all of the benefits, blessings, and beauty found in the pages of Scripture.
How to Study the Bible
Before jumping into the benefits of studying the Bible, however, let me share just a quick note about how to study the Bible. If you’ve never made a regular practice of studying the Bible, it may seem daunting or you may not know where to start.
While there is no single correct way to study the Bible, there are many methods out there to choose from if you’re looking for a systematic way to get started. You could learn how to do an Inductive Bible study, Bible Journaling, the SOAP Method, study line-by-line, write Scriptures, and so many more.
The point is to sit before God’s feet every day; so, studying the Bible doesn’t have to be methodical or done in a specific way. Your closest sister-in-Christ may study the Bible in a completely different manner than you, and that’s ok!
Simply come before Him, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding. Then get started!
5 Reasons why Studying the Bible is Imperative to Your Life
If you haven’t read Psalm 119 in a while, or if you never have, I encourage you to read through all 176 verses to seek and find the blessings of the Word of God.
Whether for a moment or months at a time, when we’re lacking the covering of Scripture over our lives, we’re susceptible to the negative influences of things like fear, doubt, and anxiety. You see, when the Word is not ruling over our thoughts and minds, these negative strongholds are.
Yet, there is hope. Psalm 119* reveals so many reasons why the Word is strong and mighty over our thoughts and in our lives.
Let’s camp here for a bit.
“For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.”
Studying the Bible is a joy!
Dive in and let the Lord reveal more of Himself and His Truth to you! Download this free set of Bible Study Printables to assist you in your study time. Fill out the form below.
*All Scripture referenced in NKJV unless otherwise noted.
#1: The Word is our counselor.
Your testimonies also are my delight and my counselors. -Psalm 119:24
The world is ready and at your service to give you advice, worldly wisdom, and insight into your greatest challenges. But oftentimes, the world’s way does not line up with the Word of God. How will you know what is good advice and what is detrimental to you if you are not studying the Word?
God and His literal words breathed on paper– I can think of no better counselor, life coach, financial advisor, or mentor. There is no confusion when we follow His ways.
#2: The Word gives light and understanding.
The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. -Psalm 119:130
Light looks brightest as it shines in the darkness, does it not? This is in fact what the Word does for us as we study the Bible. It brings clarity to our confusion and illuminates the path we’re to take. Even in our times of ease and peace (when things seem “bright”), we can see more clearly and have a better understanding of what is good, true, lovely, and pure.
Without Christ and the Word ruling in our hearts, we walk in darkness, no matter if our circumstances have us on a mountaintop or in a valley. The Word gives us all light in all times.
#3: Studying the Bible creates a longing for the Word.
I opened my mouth and panted, for I longed for Your commandments. -Psalm 119:131
When was the last time you ate just one chip, and then immediately closed the bag? Or had just one M&M? Sounds kind of silly, doesn’t it? When we have a good thing, we don’t just enjoy one, or enjoy it once. We long for it. We crave it. If it’s like this with physical food (and it’s always the foods that aren’t good for us, right?!), how much more should it be with our spiritual food?
The Word of God nourishes our souls. Once we begin studying the Bible, cross-referencing passages, and diving deeply into Scripture, the more we long for it. We long for the intimacy it helps to create between us and God, and we desperately want to know Him more. In turn, we develop spiritual habits that keep us coming back to the fire.
“I long for Your salvation, O Lord,
and Your law is my delight.”
#4: The Word provides direction.
Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. -Psalm 119:133
Reading the Bible enables us to hide the Word in our hearts. And what does this mean? It means that we know it, not just intellectually, but we know it in the deepest depths of our souls; we know it in our hearts to be right and true; and, we subconsciously have it stored away, ready to be used at any time we need it.
Therefore, when we’re tempted to sin against the Lord, the truth of the Word– if we obey it– keeps us from doing so (Psalm 119:11). It directs our steps, helping us to make good decisions and keep our way so that no iniquity can have dominion over us.
You see, it’s easy for iniquity to have dominion over us if the Word does not. All that we need pertaining to life and godliness is found in the knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:3). His counsel is perfect, holy, and just. Let us meditate on it, trust and believe it, and then follow it.
#5: Those who keep the Word are blessed.
Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart! -Psalm 119:2
The Bible promises that when we seek God with all of our hearts and souls, we will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). The intimacy with our Creator that comes when we seek Him is quite possibly the greatest blessing we could ever receive in our walk with the Lord. To know our Father more deeply leads us to cherish Him more deeply; it brings a longing and desire to keep His testimonies.
Not only does obeying His Word keep us on the right path, but simply seeking Him does as well. It makes us more cognizant of His ways– His desires for His children; His heart toward the fallen world; and, what He calls us to do in our individual lives.
The more you know someone— perhaps a family member or friend— the more you know their mannerisms, how they think, what they like and dislike, right? It’s no different with our God. The more we seek Him and the more our eyes are on the things of God, the less we seek after worthless things (Psalm 119:37). I pray the Lord would open our eyes so that we would see the wondrous things of God (Psalm 119:18).
Yearning for the Lord
Sister, studying the Bible is a delight. It’s like searching for buried treasure with the knowledge of exactly where all of the “X marks the spot” already are; and what exactly the treasure is! There are no guessing games with God– He wants us to know Him and His ways!
Because that is His heart toward us, we should yearn for the Lord to teach us His Word, and from there, we should desire to keep it. This causes us to love His name– and the Lord looks upon and is merciful toward those who do (Psalm 119:132). This can truly be our response— a deep yearning to know Him. It begins with spending enough time at His feet. From there, the Word penetrates our hearts, minds, and souls.
I encourage you to remember that studying the Bible is precious and necessary, but not because it’s an item on our to-do list. It’s much more important than that. Let us not forsake this imperative aspect of our relationship with the Lord. The One who is faithful and true brings wisdom into our lives because He loves us. Let us abide in Him, in the comfort and hope that His Word brings.