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This one is for all the weary mamas. And, you know what– it’s for the energetic, pumped up, “get it done” mamas too. We’re all somewhere within that spectrum on any given day, and at any given moment. We all need a little boost of encouragement to help us flourish in our motherhood for the remainder of the day.
The problem is, that many of us are looking for that boost of encouragement in all the wrong places.
When the afternoon weariness sets in, we turn to the next cup of coffee, our favorite podcast, or maybe a walk around the block to revive us. All of these things are great, do not misunderstand me. Yet, they don’t fully revive and restore our souls the way the Word of God does.
In the first part of this series on routines, we focused on the early-bird mamas and how to create a morning routine– but not just any old morning routine– one that honors the Lord.
Starting the day in the presence of the Lord certainly sets the tone for the remainder of the day. But, if morning Bible study time is not what the Lord is calling you to in this season of your life, hang on! Don’t put off your daily meeting with God just because time has escaped you. You can still have a beautiful, intimate time with the Lord when the clock rotates to those “PM” hours.
The fact of the matter is that spending time with God is what matters, not the hours on the clock. So whether you have an effective morning routine, afternoon routine, or your Bible time comes hours after sunset, you can still make the Lord a priority, any time of day.
How to Prepare for Your Afternoon Routine
Mornings can be hectic when you need to get everyone up and out of the house on time. When I was a full-time working mom, my mornings did not include a beautiful, serene quiet time before the Lord! I know many working moms who have different stories, but just know that your story is your story, and you have permission to seek the Lord and what He desires for you in this season of your life.
Afternoon routines can work well for working moms, homeschool moms, or even stay-at-home moms with infants who keep them up all hours of the night. No matter what your situation, remember that the Lord is always present with us– in every moment and circumstance; during every task.
It is our job to be diligent to take our eyes off the tasks at hand and instead set aside time to focus our full attention on Him with no (planned) interruptions or distractions.
We’re talking about coming before the Lord– the Creator of the universe, the Great I AM, the Almighty God! How amazing is it that, as His daughters, we get to have a regular calendar appointment with Him, whenever we want?!
But, before creating a God-honoring afternoon routine, I think it’s essential to do a few things:
#1: Pray to find a time of day that works for you.
First, determine whether the Lord truly wants to you have your quiet time in the afternoon. You may think that’s the best time, but He may have other plans! If the afternoon is His will, then seek the Lord in what specific time in the afternoon to block off.
Whatever time of day you prayerfully choose, ask the Lord to remove obstacles you may face day to day.
#2: Pray and ask the Lord to help you be consistent in your schedule.
We all know that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41). We may truly want to be consistent, but distractions, calendar changes, and outside influences can easily throw us off track.
Pray for strength each day, so you don’t constantly give into your flesh.
#3: Decide where you will do your quiet time.
We’re creatures of routine and habit. Pick a special spot to study the Word, whether it’s a favorite chair, your car, a park bench, or a quiet room. Eventually, this place will become mentally synonymous with your quiet time.
The Importance of Spending Time with God
Spending time with God is more than just taking out our cute journals, pens, and beautifully-bound leather Bible, and doodling in the margins. While there are numerous methods we can use to study the Word, it’s not about finding the perfect technique.
Above all else, spending time with God is about communing with the Father— the One who created you, who loves you, and desires a close relationship with you. And, we can only have close relationships with those we spend time with, right?
“Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word!
Put false ways far from me and graciously teach me your law!
I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your rules before me.”
Reading the Word of God gives us a better understanding of who God is, what He’s done, and what He desires for our lives.
As we see in Psalm 119, when we prayerfully read and meditate on Scripture, God gives us an understanding of His Word. He shows us the path we’re to take, gently leading us to take off our false, fleshly ways and leave them in the past.
Spending time with God gives us the desire to choose the Lord’s way— one of faithfulness because He is faithful.
So, sister— let’s not forsake the Father’s heart for us. There will always be time for the tasks that need to be completed, no matter how small or how significant. Yes– be responsible and fulfill the commitments He has entrusted you with; however, even in doing so, put Him above all else on your priority list.
Download this set of FREE Bible Study Printables to assist you during your quiet time! This 5-page download includes a place to take notes, create a weekly or monthly reading plan, and capture verses that speak to your heart. Fill out the form below.
10 Hassle-Free Steps to Creating an Afternoon Routine
Just like creating a God-honoring morning routine doesn’t have to be difficult, neither does building an afternoon routine. Remember– spending time with God is about spending time with God– not about perfection.
#1: Mark your calendar.
Once you determine a time, mark it as a daily appointment in your calendar. This will help you stay consistent and remind you to schedule other appointments around it.
#2: Eliminate distractions.
There are so many things in our lives that determine to waste our time. Turn off the TV, put your phone on silent, and vow to check emails later. Menial tasks and entertainment can wait.
#3: Understand that this is your shot.
Since the morning has come and gone, and your evening can quickly become busy with dinner, activities, and bedtime routines, this may be your best shot at uninterrupted quiet time. Sister, don’t waste it! It’s not the time to skimp on spending time with God or put it off until later. Don’t let the enemy deceive you into believing that there is something more pressing to do.
#4: Be Prepared.
First thing in the morning, or perhaps even the night before, gather your Bible and any study materials, such as journals or pens, that you’ll need during your quiet time. Pack them in your bag if your afternoon quiet time will happen outside of the home, or put them in your study spot in your home. You don’t want to waste time scurrying around last minute when you could jump into the Word immediately.
#5: If you’re home, put aside household tasks.
Lunch clean-up, dishes, and laundry can wait! Mama, you don’t have to strive for the Pinterest-perfect house in each moment. Be a little more Mary and less Martha during this time.
#6: If you’re home, make it a big deal with your kids.
Explain to them what you’re doing, why you don’t want interruptions, and give them a few things to do to occupy themselves during the time. They may distract you at first, but if you stay consistent, eventually they will come to realize that this is an important time that mommy has with God. It may even impact them so much that they’ll be encouraged to have their own quiet time!
#7: If you're home, utilize nap time.
If you still have afternoon nappers in the house, first of all— hallelujah, right?! A child’s nap time can be such a refreshing time for a weary mama’s soul when used properly; yet, it can easily be a time to get a little lazy, binge a bit of Netflix, or take a scroll through Facebook. But, I think the Lord has better things for us. This is the perfect time to spend time with God in the quietness of your house, and many times, the only uninterrupted time you may get during the day. Put God time first, then do a few other things for yourself that you enjoy in the time you have left.
#8: If you’re a homeschool mom, work your quiet time into your homeschool day!
Schedule it as a time when your children can be independent in their work for a bit. Or, make it a scheduled part of their curriculum whereas everyone, including mom, has “Bible Time.” You could even take turns discussing what everyone read when quiet time is over.
#9: If you’re at work, utilize your lunch break.
The 30 minutes to an hour of freedom you have every day is golden. Don’t overlook how much you can get done in this brief amount of time. Eating and studying the Word simultaneously works great! Just stay focused.
#10: If you’re at work, find a spot where you can sit quietly alone.
When I was a working mom, there were so many times I’d go sit in my car to read! If an alone spot is not possible, politely ask your co-workers to not disturb you (and who knows how they’ll be impacted by seeing you read the Bible daily!).
“There’s no such thing as perfect balance— the Lord’s importance should always outweigh everything else on your life’s scale.”
Above all else, Pray.
No matter where your quiet time will happen, your afternoon routine will eventually fall to pieces if you don’t pray first! Start your time in prayer, asking the Lord to eliminate external distractions, internal dialogue, and thoughts. Ask Him to help you focus on His Word, give you an understanding of the text, and a willingness to receive all that He has for you during the time.
Encouragement for Spending Time with God
Sister– seasons change, schedules change, and circumstances change. But God and His Word do not change. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is always ready for us to come to Him. It’s our job to make the choice and decision to do so.
Not once. Not sometimes. But, consistently and regularly.
Spending time with God is one of the most crucial tools in our arsenal to help us not only grow in our own faith, but to be equipped to train up our children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). So whether it’s in the afternoon, morning, or evening, just choose, sister. Choose Jesus. His counsel. His instruction.
He’s ready for your lunch meeting tomorrow! Are you?
Don’t stand Him up.
+Free Bible Study Printables+ Making time for God as a busy mom isn’t always the easiest thing to do. But, studying God’s Word is one of the most important things we can do to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. Learn the key to spending more time with God, as well as 22 TIPS to help you consistently get in the Word each day.