I must admit— I’m not the fanciest or trendiest person. I like to keep up as best I can, but you likely won’t see me rocking the latest style jeans, dresses, sweaters, or fill-in-the-blank. Being an Instagram-worthy fashionista is just a little bit daunting to me.
But, even if my cute sweaters are a little too “last season”, throwing on the right accessories kind of distracts from that a bit, am I right? I can put on some eye-catching earrings, a belt, or fancy shoes and give an old outfit a new look.
Accessories can heighten and change the look of almost any outfit— in or out of style.
So it is with our Christian character. While the Lord calls us to put on some new things once we become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and we are walking in His light— just like with our fashion— there needs to be a constant putting on of these things, daily. It’s not a one-time, “get it right forever” deal. It’s a regular yielding to the Spirit to help us live this way.
And, even with these “new things” that we put on, there are certain accessories that will heighten the way our new dress looks. These accessories upgrade our Christian character and conduct because being mindful to wear them means we are allowing God to control our newness of life, not ourselves.
Christian Character
When we think about our Christian character, we think about who we are in Christ. We are a new creation in Him, and our old ways, characteristics, traits, thoughts, and mannerisms are to be gone. When we allow the Lord to work in us and change us from the inside out, we become more and more like Him– walking in His ways, according to the will of God.
As we pursue the Lord and His righteousness, our Christian character becomes more crisp and resilient.
What are accessories?
If you haven’t read my post 7 Things Every Christian Woman Should Wear, take a few minutes to read about the main dress every Christian woman needs! These are the vital things we Christian women should be mindful to put on as we live out our new life in Christ. These traits are laid out for us by the Lord Himself in Colossians 3:12-14.
But, the accessories that go along with these 7 traits are very powerful parts of our Christian character that we should be mindful to put on— or rather, that we should allow to rule our inner beings.
As I state in my above-mentioned post, any well-put-together outfit strategically uses accessories to pull it all together. According to www.shopyourwardrobe.com, “Accessories provide interest to your outfit. Without them, you run the risk of getting bored with your wardrobe, and your outfits looking boring, because they’re always the same. Accessories extend the life of your clothes and familiar ensembles.”
The bottom line is, that we can try to pursue having a strong Christian character on our own and in our own strength, but these accessories are what hold it all up. That’s because they come from the Lord and are the workings of His might, not ours.
4 Accessories for Every Christian Woman
So sister, let’s heighten our dress with these important accessories.
#1: The Peace of God
True peace is only found through God— specifically through our acceptance of Christ’s redemptive work on the cross. As believers, we are called to the peace of God as believers. As a fruit of the Spirit, when the Holy Spirit dwells in us and we allow Him to lead us, we will fully experience His peace.
Having the peace of God means that we have comfort, security, and a calm that is present deep within our souls, no matter what our outside circumstances look like. We know that the Lord is our safety, He has us, and He will protect us.
It’s like Jesus sleeping on the boat in the middle of the storm. His disciples were in a state of panic. Jesus showed them the example of God’s peace.
His peace should rule (control) our hearts. This means that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions should NOT control us. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things— this is why His peace needs to be in control, not our hearts.
His peace exists amidst ALL circumstances, not just the good ones.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
We won’t always understand all of our circumstances because His peace is greater than our trivial understanding. It surpasses it. And, as we let it rule our hearts, it guards our hearts and minds against all uncertainty, doubt, fear, and emotions that lead us astray. Let His peace stand at the gates where our enemies dare to enter.
RELATED: Discover more about the importance of the Peace of God.
#2: The Word of Christ
As a Christian woman, it’s likely you know the importance of the Word of God in your life. But, let’s stop and really think about a few things.
The Lord writes the Word on our hearts and minds (Hebrews 10:16); therefore we should not forsake it. It should dwell in us richly.
The word for “dwell” in the original Greek means to inhabit; or to dwell in and influence for good. This isn’t just talking about head knowledge— anyone can memorize the Scriptures or “know” what the Bible says. Sister, this is more than that.
It’s as if the Word of God is to take up residence in our lives, so much so that it permeates our being and influences every thought and action we take.
“But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it.”
The Lord gives us His Word so we have a standard, roadmap, and a manual by which to live. It is to dwell in us and be written on our hearts so we can live it out, not just know it.
The Word of God should become our internal operating system.
And, as Colossians 3:16 says, it won’t just dwell, but dwell richly. The Word of God can dwell in us richly because He gives it abundantly. What God gives us, He always gives us richly and abundantly (1 Timothy 6:17; Titus 3:6; 2 Peter 1:11).
The Word allows us to walk in wisdom (Psalm 119:98) — wisdom that comes from God– true wisdom. It guides us in all righteousness. But, we must know it, meditate on it, and live by it.
Ask yourself: What effect does the Word have in my life, actions, and conduct?
Bible Verses about the Word of God
These are just a few Bible verses about the Word of God. Comb the Scriptures yourself and discover many more! God desires that we know and understand the importance of the Word of God in our lives.
Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:98; Joshua 1:8; Luke 8:21; Luke 11:28: Ephesians 6:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Revelation 19:13.
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#3: Knowing the Importance of Worship
When the word dwells richly within our hearts, we have a greater understanding of who God is— His kindness, mercy, grace, goodness, and faithfulness. We feel and know the depth of His love for us. How could we not then have a worshipful heart? How could we not desire to sing praises to Him?
What is worship? Worship is to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion. When we worship, we give God the honor and reverence He deserves. He and He alone is worthy to be praised.
Yet, sometimes our worship seems dry and forced. Ever feel that way, sister? We don’t have the umphf and pizazz we usually do. Well, I don’t believe this attitude within us has anything to do with the Lord. He doesn’t change. He is not less praiseworthy today than He was yesterday.
“He’s laid it all out for us— the expression of who He is written in the form of His Word, and physically seen through Jesus Himself. ”
No— I believe this lack of enthusiasm in our worship comes because we have not been spending ample time with the Lord in His Word. We have not been finding delight in His Word (Psalm 119:47), and therefore, our delight in Him is lacking. This is why making time for God is so crucial.
You can’t get to know someone you don’t spend time with. And, would you really speak praises to others about a person you don’t know? Of course not.
He’s laid it all out for us— the expression of who He is written in the form of His Word, and physically seen through Jesus Himself.
It’s our job to grab hold of the revelation He’s given us. The importance of worship shows itself in the end result: a heart that desires to teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord (Colossians 3:16).
RELATED: 22 Ways to Make Time for God
#4: A Consistent Christian Character
When we do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, we act consistently with Who He is and what He wants for our lives.
We yield to the Spirit in our everyday lives. No matter what decision we’re faced with, we take it to the Lord, allowing Him to guide our steps, direct our paths, and convict us on whether or not our actions line up with His Word.
“…for it is God who is at work in you, both to desire and to work for His good pleasure. Do all things without complaining or arguments; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world…”
When we do all in the name of the Lord, we show the same compassion for others as He does. We do His will without complaining, no matter how insignificant the actions seem. We are more concerned with God receiving the glory through us (1 Corinthians 10:31), as opposed to our comfortability.
RELATED: How to Make Decisions as a Christian
The Beautiful Accessories of Our Christian Character
Sister, what will it be for you? Will you don the eye-catching, spirit-lifting accessories the Lord calls us to wear? Will you spend ample time with the Lord, gain a deeper knowledge of Him, praise and worship Him, allowing the Word of God to dwell within you richly?
It’s a choice. Just like you choose to add accessories to any outfit you wear, you choose to put on these additional pieces of your Christian character.
I exhort you, sister to do so. In the process, you will grow in your love of the Lord and sing His praises to others. Is He not worthy of that?
No one was meant to live alone on an island. We all need a community– not just a group of people to belong to, but the sense that we belong. In a community…