About a month or two ago, I started to feel really guilty. That mom guilt kind of guilt. The guilt that comes when you know you’ve slacked on something as a parent.
For my husband and me, it was teaching our kids how to ride a bike.
I know, I know. Such a common, almost universal skill that many kids learn in their youngest years. How dare we slack on this and rob our kids of the enjoyment of bike riding? At this rate, I was thinking our kids would one day become adults who would never rightly understand the figure of speech, “It’s just like riding a bike!”
They’ve always had bikes. We’ve just never really worked with them enough to get past the training wheels phase. Because, well… life.
So one spring day, as I watched them ride up and down the sidewalk on their scooters, it hit me that as 7 and 9-year-olds, they’ve got no two-pedal skills. And, it really hit me. I felt so bad, and as I said, very guilty.
At that moment, I just spoke what was on my heart to the Lord, and asked Him to help us find the time to teach them how to ride a bike this summer.
Not more than two weeks later, the neighbor boy gave them his old bike upon getting a new one as a gift. His old bike was a smaller bike with no training wheels, much cooler than my daughter’s which still donned its training wheels. Immediately my kids wanted to attempt to ride it.
And guess what– in a matter of a day or two, they were cruising up and down our sidewalk on this bike. With no training wheels.
Both of my kids taught themselves how to ride a bike.
God provided a smaller bike that they could easily learn how to balance on, and that didn’t look intimidating.
God equipped them with the smarts and physical coordination to learn how to balance, pedal, and steer without crashing or falling.
And, it didn’t take all summer. It took two days.
My guilt, toil, and feeling of failure over our lack of parental guidance in this life skill were dissipated because the Lord had my back.
I cried out to Him over something I perceived as small, yet because it caused an ache in my heart, and because He is a good, loving, and caring Father– He did something about it.
He showed me (once again) just how much He truly cares about every little detail of our lives. And, He showed me that when I let Him handle those details, I’m really not that important of a piece of the equation after all.
The Pre-Decision-Making Process
If you're wondering what my bike story has to do with learning how to make decisions, the answer is: Everything.
Before we get to the place where we’re ready to make a decision, we need to believe that the Lord has our backs no matter what. He is for us. He has plans and purposes for us, and no matter what we do or don’t do (like teach our kids bike skills!), He always has plots and plans being orchestrated behind the scenes.
God is in the details.
When we seek Him first and let Him know the desires of our hearts, He will take care of it all. It may not look the way we think and it may not work out the way we hoped– but, however it does work out, we can trust Him knowing that His plans are forever good.
What does the Bible say about decision-making?
One of the main themes in all of the Bible is the topic of trust. Wouldn’t you agree? The Lord wants us to wholly trust Him in all things– in the big and the small (Proverbs 3:5-6). It begins with trusting in Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our life.
From there, if we’re truly submitted to Him, He wants us to hand our lives over to Him.
His will be done.
This is the first step in our decision-making process. It starts with our surrender, and our openness to commit our works to the Lord so that He can establish our plans (Proverbs 16:3).
Decision-making should come from a place of humility and submission before the Lord, as opposed to selfish intentions and motivations.
“ All the ways of a person are clean in his own sight, but the LORD examines the motives.”
Bible verses for making decisions
The Bible is full of so much wisdom. It literally is a handbook for how to live our lives properly on this earth. So, it’s no surprise that within Scripture we can find numerous Bible verses for making decisions that please the Lord:
The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps. (Proverbs 14:15 ESV)
One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless. (Proverbs 14:16 ESV)
The mind of a person plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9 NASB)
Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22 NASB)
Teach me good discernment and knowledge, for I believe in Your commandments. (Psalm 119:66 NASB)
How to know the will of God
When we’re in the process of making a decision, one of the first things we should do after committing to humbly submit to the will of God is to do our best to discern what the will of God actually is.
Figuring out how to know the will of God is not as complicated as most may think. You see, God’s Word doesn’t change. God doesn’t change. Therefore, even though circumstances may look differently for each decision you are faced with, God’s will for your life is consistent.
Generally speaking, God’s will for all of our lives is to trust Him, walk in His ways, share the good news of His love, and glorify Him in all that we do.
I know what you’re thinking– Shanna, how does that help me to know the will of God so I can decide whether or not to take this job? Or move across the country? Homeschool, public, or private school? Stay in this relationship or end it?
Again, let’s not overcomplicate it. Start with prayer. Seek God for the nitty-gritty details in the web of questions you may have.
Then, ask Him to show you the best path that will allow you to:
Grow in and show your full, undivided trust in Him.
Faithfully continue to walk in His ways, according to His Word.
Be in a position where you can grow in your faith and share His love with others.
Glorify Him in the decision you make.
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula, but as my husband and I have made major decisions in life, considering all of these things have helped us discern the wisest path to take.
Freebie: Use the power of God’s Word to grow in your Trust
Grab this free, 16-page mini Bible Study of the Psalms. Bring ease and simplicity to your decision-making process by growing in your faith and trust in the Lord!
Trust God’s Plan
One of the most crucial things we can learn to master in our Christian walk is the habit of trusting God in all circumstances. The path the Lord instructs us to take may not be the decision we’d hoped for. We may have thought that a different path would make more sense.
But, the Lord can see the bigger picture. He has bigger purposes than we can fathom. And, let’s not forget that He causes all things to work together for the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
“One who pays attention to the word will find good, and blessed is one who trusts in the Lord.”
Trusting God to lay out our plans isn’t always easy, but He promises blessings for those who do. When we seek Him, stay faithful to His Word, and commit our ways to Him, we can be sure He is not leading us into a path of darkness.
His plans do not fail.
How to Make Decisions: 6 Practical Tips
Sister, let’s keep this simple. Life and circumstances can be complicated enough. The Lord doesn’t want you drowning in a sea of frustration over the decision-making process.
When you do, this puts the decision itself in a place of being an idol in your heart. Meaning– your thoughts will become so consumed with the decision in and of itself, that you use that as a navigational starting point or compass for your life.
Yet, God should always be the focal point. He determines the outcome of your life, no matter what your decisions may be. Nothing you do can mess up His plans and purposes for your life because He is sovereign.
Here are a few practical tips to help you along your journey of making decisions:
#1: Be prepared to follow God’s will. Not your own.
Humility is key. Although the Lord has given you intelligence and the ability to make logical choices, sometimes following Him means you need to throw your own logic out the window. Ask the Lord to help you put your heart in a place that is fully surrendered to Him.
#2: Make sure your decisions line up with the will of God and His Word.
Always check your decisions against the Word. If what you think the Lord is telling you goes against Scripture, you can be sure it’s not from the Lord!
#3: Seek wise counsel.
It can be a good idea to bounce your thoughts off of a trusted, godly friend, mentor, or counselor. Be honest about the options you’re weighing, as well as what you believe the Lord is telling you. Sometimes this person may share some insight and wisdom, or give you another perspective to think about. They can also come alongside you in prayer about the decision you are facing.
#4: Be patient.
God’s timing is always perfect, even if it feels like forever to us! Be prepared to wait on Him. Waiting on God’s timing enables you to step forward at the right time, as opposed to making a rash decision.
#5: Make your decision in faith.
Act in faith, knowing that the Lord is orchestrating the plans and has your back. Even if it seems completely illogical or scary, trust that God will lead you every step of the way. He will provide for you and equip you with whatever you need. He always has your back.
#6: Cover everything in prayer.
Pray throughout your entire decision-making process. Keeping your line of communication with God open is the best thing you can do. You want to hear from Him directly about your decision, right? Well, He’d love to hear from you too.
Be Encouraged
Navigating how to make a decision isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated either. There are little and big decisions; hard and painful decisions. But— God is sovereign over all. He will light our path and direct our steps as we let Him lead.
So, sister– trust that He already has plans in motion for you. He simply wants you to trust in Him more than you trust in your decisions.
Will you grip the handlebars tightly and pedal to your destination quickly with your blinders on; or, will you release your grip and let him do the steering?
You decide. ;)
No one was meant to live alone on an island. We all need a community– not just a group of people to belong to, but the sense that we belong. In a community…