A Brief Note of Encouragement
Dear Sister who has lost sight of her value at the moment:
Maybe you’re weary of what the world is telling you is right– how to look, what to believe, what’s important in life.
You can’t seem to keep up with your friends and the “perfect” lives they display on Instagram. Everyone else is married. Everyone else is having kids. Everyone else is taking amazing vacations.
You feel disappointed by the way you’ve been treated. You’ve been ignored and left alone. You feel like even God has moved farther away.
Your children buck at your parenting skills and think your ways are so “mean.” Nothing you say seems to matter. You’re beginning to think that you can’t do anything right.
Well, Sister, shatter these lies in your mind with the power of Scripture. I’m here to tell you that the Lord has something different to say about your worth:
You were made perfectly, just the way you are.
For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13).
There is nothing wrong with you. Don’t let the world tell you anything different. If you are in Christ, you are a daughter of the Most High King. He didn’t mess up when He made you. You are the way you are because he knit you together that way. Your looks, your personality, your silly quirks, and those things you get compliments on all the time– they were all hand-picked and flawlessly designed by Him.
God’s work is wonderful— including you.
I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well (Psalm 139:14).
Everything the Lord created was good (Genesis 1). This includes you. You are part of His works, which means you are wonderful. You don’t have to try to be wonderful. You don’t have to perform or do more to be wonderful. The original version of you is wonderfully made.
You were purposefully created, down to the most intricate details.
My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth (Psalm 139:15).
God didn’t create you with His eyes closed. He didn’t just “throw you together.” Why do so many of us treat ourselves as if He did?
That thing you don’t like about your body, the quirks others have made fun of you for— all of those things have a purpose in your life. Instead of being disappointed that you don’t look or act like someone else, seek God and discover His thoughts behind the intricate details that make you your wonderful self.
“And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.”
God has fashioned you and your days.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in Your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them (Psalm 139:16).
Not only did God see you as He created you, but He also sees you now and all the days of your life. He is El Roi, the God who sees. Nothing that happens to you or that you decide to do comes as a surprise to Him. He’s the glue holding all of your life together, weaving each strand of fabric into a beautiful tapestry to represent your life. He is the greatest fashion designer of all time.
The Maker of the universe has precious thoughts about you.
How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand (Psalm 139:17-18).
When you feel overlooked or forgotten, remember that the Lord has countless thoughts about you all the time— precious thoughts.
If He created you, intricately, purposefully, and wonderfully, does that not mean that He calls you “good” and He is proud of His work? If this is the case, are not His thoughts of you, His daughter, good as well?
Your negative thoughts and feelings about yourself hold no weight against His. Dispel those thoughts. They are not the truth. What comes from the Lord, your Master Maker is truth.
Whether sleeping or awake, the Lord is happy to be with you.
I awake, and I am still with You (Psalm 139:18).
When no one else understands you. When not a single friend is by your side. When you know you’re innocent but no one believes you. When your head hits the pillow at night and you feel guilty about how you treated your kids, believing the lie that you’ve severely damaged them and they won’t forgive you.
In all of those times, the Lord is right by your side. He will not leave you, so don’t leave Him.
Take comfort in knowing that because He sees you and every detail of your thoughts, actions, and days, He knows who you truly are— yet still is happy to be with you.
He doesn’t flee when things get tough. He isn’t embarrassed to be seen with you because He’s not sure what others might think. He isn’t afraid of gossip.
He willingly fights for you, defends you, and goes to bat for you. You don’t have to be strong enough. He is with you and in Him is your peace, joy, and strength.
Find your value in the Lord
So Sister, will you join me in remembering who our God is? How He fashioned us? How He delights in us, His daughters?
The world will always tell you that there’s just “one more thing” you have to do or accomplish to become valuable. Whether it’s a career change, a fashion change, or a personality tweak. But God—
He tells us that we are already precious, valuable, and wonderfully made. He sent His only Son to die on the cross so we could have a restored relationship with Him. And even if you were the only person created in the world, He still would have sent Jesus to die for only you.
He bought us at the ultimate price and we can’t be stolen or let alone bought back— which makes us priceless.
Let’s find our value in Him and Him only. You are worth every moment He spent creating you.
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