I love when the seasons change. There’s something exciting about the anticipation of a “newness” of sorts on the horizon– the change in weather, the amount of sunlight, and the difference in the feeling of the ground underneath my feet. I enjoy the soft crunch of grass between my bare toes in the summer. And, even though winter is my least favorite season, I still appreciate a few changes that time of year brings.
With the change of weather comes the change of wardrobe. Switching out the clothes in my closet or drawers isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I do enjoy going from the heavyweight materials and toned-down colors of winter to the bright and airy fabrics of spring and summertime.
Change can be good. Especially when it’s God-ordained.
In Christ, we are changed. Upon accepting Him as our Savior, we become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). And, just like our seasonal wardrobes, there are things we need to take off and put on. Why?
Because the character of a Christian is important to God. We can’t truly live life purposely, to the glory of God if we are still walking in our old ways.
Seasons Change
Whether you’re a new Christian, or you’ve been a believer for years, the Lord calls you to walk in His ways. Typically, our ways are not His ways, right? Some things need to change in our lives so that we can live in a way that brings glory to Him.
Not putting off these old ways of ours is much like continuing to wear our winter coats in the summertime. It doesn’t take long to begin to feel weighed down, inappropriate, and completely out of sorts. Continuing in our old habits and old “dress” even though our season has changed holds us back.
What Not to Wear
But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. (Colossians 3:8-11 NKJV)
Since we died with Christ and are raised in newness of life with Him, we are to put to death what is evil and earthly within us: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, covetousness, and idolatry (Colossians 3:5).
Put to death. Those are strong words! The behaviors God calls us to cast aside in our walk with Him are to be just that– cast aside and put to death through the power of the Holy Spirit within us (Romans 8:13) and never picked up again.
Along with the traits we’re to put to death, verses 8-11 call us to put off several other things:
#1: Put off ANGER:
While it may be ok for things to anger you, such as grieving over sin, acting out in our anger is never a good thing (Ephesians 4:26). Anger should never rule our thoughts, actions, or permeate our relationships.
#2: Put off WRATH:
Wrath and anger go hand in hand at times in the Bible (Genesis 49:7; Proverbs 15:1; Deuteronomy 29:28), because extreme anger leads to wrath. However, no matter the injustice, wrath is something that should be left unto God and God alone (Romans 12:19).
#3: Put off MALICE:
Merriam-Webster defines malice as a desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another. What are our intentions in our relationships with others, especially when they’ve wronged us? In our flesh, our natural inclination can be to desire pain for others when we’re upset with them– especially via our words.
#4: Put off BLASPHEMY:
As a believer– a child of God for whom Christ died– insulting the Lord, or any acts of irreverence towards Him is wrong. We need to set a good example and be good witnesses in our words and conduct.
What we speak is important. Our words should be uplifting, edifying, and leave others with grace (Ephesians 4:29). What types of words are we using? One minute are we praising the Lord, and in the next breath, mumbling a swear word? If we have issues with foul language, filthy jokes, or unwholesome talk of any sort, we can pray and ask the Lord to help us control our tongues.
#6: Put off LIES:
The Lord is truth (John 14:6), therefore we cannot live in a way that is congruent to His character if we are deceptive and speaking lies. Pursuing a righteous life means that we want to exhibit His qualities, and lying is not something that the Lord ever does. Those who lie do not escape (Proverbs 19:5).
Keeping these terrible traits cast off (yes, it is a continual process of obedience!) is much easier to do when we keep our eyes focused on the Lord.
What to wear
What does the Bible say about Christian character? Colossians 3:10 states that once we’re in Christ, we have “put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.”
If we are truly pursuing the Lord and His righteousness, then as we seek Him, we will be renewed in our knowledge of Him and all that He is, we’ll desire for the Holy Spirit to work in us and change us, and our character will become more like the image of Him who created us.
As we’ve seen, Colossians 3 begins by giving us a list of things we are to cast off once we become believers. Verse 12 starts with “therefore,” indicating that given what God has done through Christ, and since we are “the elect of God, holy and beloved” these are the attitudes and behaviors God expects in response from believers, in terms of our relationships with others.
So, sister– it’s a new season. What shall we wear?
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. (Colossians 3:12-14 NJKV)
We should have a heart of compassion, just as the Lord does with us. Read more about living with Biblical compassion.
Kindness is goodness towards others that involves your whole being and mellows any harshness within you. So, it’s not just being kind to someone—it’s that your BEING is kind. Are you clothed in kindness? Find out here.
This is the opposite of self-love. You don’t think less of yourself. You think of yourself, less. And when we are humble before the Lord, He will lift us up (James 4:10). Your Biblical guide to humility, right here.
This is when we have a willingness to suffer injury or insult rather than be the one to inflict those insults on others. In today’s world, a meek and gentle spirit is often mistaken for weakness. Yet, the Word tells us that the meek are blessed and will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37:11).
Patience is the opposite of quick anger and revenge. You don’t hang onto resentment. You patiently endure as Christ did, and continues to do with us. We are called to be patient with others, patient with the Lord as we wait on Him, and let patience have its perfect work within us (James 1:4).
Christ forgave us, so what makes us think that we shouldn’t forgive our fellow brothers and sisters? Being unwilling to forgive or even bear with others in love is evidence of pride in our lives. Things won’t always be fun and copasetic in relationships– yet, we are called to work things out and bear with others in those difficult things. This is what mature believers do.
#7: LOVE:
He calls this the “bond of perfection,” or NASB says, “the perfect bond of unity.” All the other virtues listed above, are distorted if done without love.
It’s not about fashion– it’s faith. It’s not about outward appearance– it’s our inner being. The Lord is concerned with our character. So what’s next?
“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved...”
Don’t forget your essential accessories
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Colossians 3:15-17)
Any well-put-together outfit strategically uses accessories to pull it all together. According to www.shopyourwardrobe.com, “Accessories provide interest to your outfit. Without them, you run the risk of getting bored with your wardrobe, and your outfits looking boring, because they’re always the same. Accessories extend the life of your clothes and familiar ensembles.”
But wait– I just said this isn’t about fashion, so what am I talking about?
Colossians 3:15-17 runs through several more, very powerful parts of our character that we should be mindful to put on— or rather, that we should allow to rule our inner beings.
These things are nothing short of gifts from the Lord, and when we purpose to not lose sight of them and intentionally make them a part of our faith walk, they heighten the intensity of the character of our new person.
Just as the right accessories heighten the look and appearance of the perfect outfit. Dare I say the accessories are the most important factor.
Without these much-needed godly accessories, our character falls flat and at best comes across as worldly and fleshly.
the accessories that make our wardrobe purposeful
He gives us the PEACE OF GOD, which is an attitude of true rest and security, only experienced by those in Christ. The Lord is peace, He offers us peace, and He wants His peace to rule in our hearts.
He desires that the WORD OF CHRIST would dwell in us richly. God’s Word should live in us, permeate our being, and control every thought, word, and deed– in all wisdom.
This produces an UPLIFTING and WORSHIPFUL HEART that encourages others, worships with others, and sings praises to the Lord.
And, when His peace rules our hearts and His Word dwells richly within us, we’ll be prompted to DO ALL IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS. We’ll act consistently with Who He is and what He wants, with a thankful heart.
How can we have the character of a Christian?
I know, I know– living in a way that pleases God and exhibiting all of these character traits is easier said than done. It’s impossible to live this way in every moment, day-to-day, in our own strength. We need the Holy Spirit working within us, guiding us and leading us in our decision-making and conduct.
And, the Lord provides help. I think there is an important hint for us at the beginning of Colossians 3. If we are constantly looking around the world for our example of how to live with integrity and how to have a godly character, we won’t find it.
Instead, we are to seek and set our mind on things above, not on things of the earth (Colossians 3:1-2).
When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we see the example of One who perfectly walked out all of these attributes we are to put on.
Are you ready for the change?
So, sister– join me this season, will you? This season calls for our best dress. Our best submission to His will for our lives. Our best desire to abide in Him. Our best heart of praise for Him. Our winter coats have no place in the summer with the Son. Toss out the old rags. Let’s put on only what He desires of us.
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